WhatsApp has now begun to enable voice calls on the Jio Phone and other KaiOS-based feature phones already on the market. Jio Phone and other smart feature phone users may now make WhatsApp audio calls on their handsets starting today.
Recently, the messaging behemoth began pushing out a new upgrade for its KaiOS app. Users of Jio Phones and other KaiOS phones may activate the function by updating WhatsApp to the newest version (v2.2110.41).
WhatsApp was first made available for KaiOS-based handsets in 2018. Since then, the app has become the most popular KaiOS non-system app in the world, with over a million monthly active users. While KaiOS users could use WhatsApp to exchange messages, they couldn't use it to make audio calls until today.
In 2015, WhatsApp introduced an audio calling capability for smartphone users. However, this capability was not added to the company's online platform until recently. Following the launch of audio/video calling on WhatsApp's desktop and browser platforms, the firm has now added voice calling on the KaiOS platform.
Despite the fact that the update adds voice calling capabilities to the Jio Phone and other KaiOS devices, WhatsApp's voice calling function is still based on VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. Users must be connected to a Wi-Fi or cellular network to utilize the function on the aforementioned devices. It requires a device with at least 512MB of RAM to run.
They will be able to make phone calls to friends and family members via WhatsApp after they connect their phones to the internet. Users will also be able to receive voice calls on their devices, just like regular calls, assuming they maintain their phones linked to the internet at all times.
If you have a Jio Phone or any KaiOS-based handset, you should upgrade WhatsApp right immediately to take use of the function. It's a beneficial addition since it allows feature phone users to communicate with their loved ones through voice calls at a minimal cost.